Love this interview!

"Within every experience lives the potential of its opposite." ~ that's such a key sentence to your work (and mine 😊 💕)

And especially what you are sharing about your writing process "There were unwatered seeds sitting dormant inside me for decades and writing my story was the beginning of the first rainfall."

and your description of 'Writer's detour'. I can very much relate to that. In 25+ years I've never experienced writer's block, and I guess it's because I simply write through it and let the words surprise me.

I'm so thrilled you have let writing discover you. You are such a wonderful writer, Kimberly! Such a unique voice. Looking forward to your next books.

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I love that your "writers detour" takes the form of plowing right through the blockade sign. :) Now that's confidence! Mine usually takes me far away from the computer and into the woods! Thank you for your kindest reflections Veronika. I understand you're on a little hiatus right now so I hope all the inner and outer balancing is taking you to many experiences of serenity and restoration. xo

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Not sure whether it's confidence... I think it comes more from the fact that I started my writer's journey with morning pages. So that's the default I always return to.

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Superbly confident in her film-making, yet by admission, somewhat hesitant and tentative in her writing, we should all be so fortunate as to be so in tuned with our feelings that we could write like Kimberly does! Her writings (and her film-making!) are amazing!

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Not to forget her photography!

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Jun 13Liked by Kimberly Warner, Bob Hoebeke

Such an insightful interview. "... at the end of the day, every human on this planet is unfixed." Kimberly offers a truth that those of us going through the motions of our lives never consider.

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What's startling to me (and what I've certainly experienced!) is every person in the film alludes to this notion that one day you're fine, and the next day you're not. EVERY DAY is a gift from God, but sometimes we all have to learn to live with life's new gift.

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Thank you for reading and sharing your reflections Sharon!

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Jun 15Liked by Kimberly Warner, Bob Hoebeke

Extraordinary vulnerability and revelation about living "unfixed" with the marvel that is Kimberly Warner.

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Jun 14Liked by Kimberly Warner, Bob Hoebeke

An amazing article. I, too, suffer with chronic pain, always trying to find the cure, the fix. I am going to work on your approach. I also found the book,THE UNTETHERED SOUL very helpful. I feel encouraged by you. Thanks!

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I think you will find great relief in my "approach" Wendy. There's something quite stunning that happens when our brains stop perceiving our symptoms as a threat. It may not cure us, but it certainly calms the nervous system down enough to allow an entirely different kind of healing to occur. Thank you so much for reading!

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I apologize, I should have said your insight not your approach. And, I should have said I’ll try to practice, not ‘work’ on.

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All good Wendy! It’s easy to “should” all over ourselves. Message received and appreciated!

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Jun 16Liked by Kimberly Warner, Bob Hoebeke

Wonderful and insightful interview. Great questions, Bob, and inspiring answers and thoughts, Kimberly. Thoroughly enjoyed and feel uplifted by these thoughts, which I'm of course not surprised by because it's you Kimberly and I know that's how I always feel reading/hearing your words. ☺️

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I smile thinking that somehow, in some way, my words over here always buoy you a bit Nathan. Thank you for your ever-present kindness and wicked intellect.

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Wow just a beautiful interview. That part about the self disappearing but the language shows you others go through it too 🩷🩷

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Jun 14Liked by Kimberly Warner, Bob Hoebeke

I love & appreciate this insight from your awesome interview:

“Within every experience lives the potential of its opposite”.

You have clearly learned to lean into and l reveal life’s most challenging opposites. Kudos, dear One! May you inspire many to move beyond their initial fear response! 💜

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Awww, thank you dear momma! I learned from the best. ;)

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Jun 14Liked by Kimberly Warner, Bob Hoebeke

I've seen Camus' poem many times but somehow in light of this interview, it's much more powerful, especially with the physical metaphor in the context of Kim's story. Many many thanks for this beautiful piece!

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"For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger-something better, pushing right back." Isn't that paradox wonderful? A bit of a mantra for me. ;) Thanks for reading Gail!

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I've said so many things in response to lovely Kimberly and I actually thought I left a comment here, but perhaps that was the first part of this segment. God needs to create the 8th day so we can read all day long the beauty that is here on Substack! We truly are all unfixed in some way, shape or form. Every day is a gift to unwrap and navigate how we're going to play with it. I love what Brene' Brown says here: "You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both." Thank you both for the stellar example of living courageously. You are making an impact. I know it's not easy. oxox

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