
Bob, I am extremely honored and humbled to see this. I woke up today a bit sore, like a runner's stitch, with a headache and this was such a gift to see. I know we are praying for each other and so many here in this community. A new and beautiful friend said to me recently, "it's like a huge prayer chain here." It is. I'm so grateful to Katie for how this came out as well. Stay in touch (if possible) as you head into next week! Sending you lots of love. God is good. ox

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Every day is a victory! Keep trudging - it'll get better!

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It is! Thank you Bob!

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Jul 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Deb and Bob, this was a beautiful interview. Thank you so much. Dear Deb, your kind, loving heart shines so brightly in every word you write and every picture you share. It was the first thing I noticed about your work; your love for people. You are a rare gem. ❤️

Bob, thank you for asking Deb these great questions! I so enjoyed reading this interview!

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Thanks Jenn!

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You’re welcome!

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Dear Jenn, thank you so much for reading through all of that! I know how busy life is! I am so glad that my love shines through my work. I guess that's all I ever wanted. I truly loved every minute and poured a lot into it. I think you are a rare gem and am throwing a big virtual hug at you! Thank you for your kindness, love and support. oxox

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Jul 3Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

It was a blessing to read! ❤️. Sending big hugs back your way, and I hope you’re healing alright!

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You are the sweetest Jenn and I’m doing really good. Like a whole new lease on life without getting into too much detail! lol. It’s exciting and I thank God for the blessing to mold me into the best version of me. I can feel the entire journey and it’s a bit overwhelming. Hugging you back always! ox

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❤️🙌!!! That is fab, I’m so happy for you ☺️✨

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Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means the world to me. Sending virtual hugs right back at you! oxox

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Jul 1Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Deb is a gift! Thanks for this. 🙏❤️

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..and you know I think you are a gift Jamie! Sending you a big virtual hug too. Thank you for the love. oxox

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Jul 1Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke


Your reflections on capturing life’s moments and the silent strength found in stillness are truly touching. Thank you for sharing your heart and experiences so openly.

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Ohhhhh...you're really going to like the piece of Deb's that we're posting in August!

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Thank you so very much. I appreciate your taking the time in this busy and full place to read it! I think sharing honestly is liberating. I hope it helps at least one person know that they have a purpose no matter how old and that family comes in all forms. We are in a great community here. ox

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Jul 1Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Love learning so much more about you dear friend. You’ve been through fire, climbed that great big hill of hope; finding yourself and growing closer to God. Or maybe It was God becoming closer to you, carrying you through it all. Your love of people and goodness reflects in all that you write and that is God’s hand on the keyboard too, I’m sure! 💕😊 Thanks for sharing so much of your sweet soul, and thanks to Bob for this beautiful interview! Love you even more now! 😘💕🥰🫶❤️

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Dear Joan, thank you so much for taking the time to read it! I know it was long! I feel so blessed to have you as a friend here and to be able to lift each other up and inspire our purpose in life. No matter how old we are! Thank you for your kind comment. We are a work in constant progress! The only way to go is upward and onward! Sending you so much love and I was so happy to see you had special grandson time this past week! oxox

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Jul 1Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

YOU are our treasure, sweet girl! Bob offered me a chance and I passed; honored he though of me. But getting you on board is the best… how you pour so much into words that go straight to our hearts. Bless you for connecting us on IG… we get a glimpse into each other’s lives 😉💕

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Dear Joan! We are in the mutual admiration club! I treasure you too! I pray that you might change your mind and share a story of home or one of your beautiful stories of life and love. Thank you so much for your support and for your love always. oxox

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Joan, the offer is still open - I'd love to introduce my readership to your incredible work!

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Jul 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Wow, thanks again! Remind me of the rules, expectation. I’m sorry I bailed so quickly without consudering!

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You’ve got this Joan! Take your time! I wrote you back :). oxox

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She's a treasure, isn't she?

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Oh Bob! You're the treasure! Wish I could have a nice cup of tea with you and Joan! With all my friends here :) ox

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ahhhh...Zoom - but I'm drinking coffee.

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I'll take coffee! The low-acid kind! lol. Been praying all morning for you. oxox

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Thanks for your prayers - surgery went great, and here I am at almost midnight, unable to sleep and returning emails. Go figure... Thanks to your encouragement Joan has agreed to guest host! This'll be great! Do you have a Zoom account?

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I am BEYOND thrilled to hear this Bob! Working my way through the notes and things today - this is the most exciting news!!! Now you must get that sleep though!! I do understand how the hospital turns us upside-down with sleep for a few days! I pray you settle into a nice sleep now without the pain of irritation waking you. I am signed up with Zoom so I can zoom? lol :). I used it for an interview last summer with Judy Norton of The Waltons (nervous fast-talking French woman as albeit!!!!!)

Sending you much love and am praying for a complete healing and a fresh new wind. ox

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Jul 1Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Absolutely Bob! I’m delighted she took you up on your offer! Well done, the both of you! 🥰❤️

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Thank you so much friend. I am beyond blessed and I know that this is all God. How fortunate that He knows exactly what we need and who we need in our lives. I am so glad you and Bob are my friends here. oxox

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Jun 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

God works in so many mysterious ways and sometimes when it feels like he is left as he has been there all alone. And then we feel embarrassed by our lack of faith. At least I do at times. Thank you Debra and Bob! Excellent interview! ✨🤗💖

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It's so true Charlotte. I know you have experienced this in a great way through devastation and the unknown ahead, when all along we can look back and realize He's still there. It's about trust as we walk forward. We can definitely embarrassed by our lack of faith! Thank you so much for reading this and commenting. oxox

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Jun 27Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

I saw your story about being ill and suffering l can relate to that.I am still recovering.l can't tell my story it would take a long time. I hope you are feeling a bit better now.l Love my family very much like you.l am a great gran .God Bless you.🙏🕊️♥️

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Hi Mary, I am so sorry you have been in recovery for awhile and I pray you can find healing and some relief doing the things you enjoy, even in a small way. Our family is precious and I treasure any time I get to be with mine. I hope you get to see yours often. How many great grandchildren do you have?! That's amazing! God Bless you too and thank you for reaching out to me here and reading this interview. Sending you much love. oxox

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Jun 28Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Thanks for your reply Deborah l hope you are well.lam good, for today thanks.l have 5 great-grandchildren.One wee baby due in September.My prayer list gets longer.l have had a traumatic hospital experience like you and l know it was a miracle l am here .I love to praise God and the music lifts my spirit.You are a miracle too.l am sure you know that.God Bless you and your family.♥️🙏🕊️.

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Great to hear that you are doing well Mary. Recovery from health, especially something like an emergency, is always a challenge. I did a bit too much yesterday and had to get some ice and feet up today.

Oh my goodness, five greats and one on the way!! That is just wonderful :). Praise God for you to be able to see them. I hope you get to that is! I, too, love worship music, most all music and find that it carries me through most of my days. Those songs in our head too. The ones that God knows we need. I had a real rollercoaster of memories last week!

God Bless you and your family as well. I will keep you in my prayers for healing and for that little baby to come into the world healthy and happy. Much love to you. ox

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Jun 27Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

What a great interview Deborah. You share your story with such grace and vulnerability. And the depths of grief you’ve experienced are palpable when I read your words. How interesting that photography found you at such a young age, only to be a constant thread of inspiration and comfort through all the years. I loved hearing how you escaped into photographing old homes for a stint, an intuitive and creative need to find yourself anywhere but in the pain. It’s always fascinating to hear how our creative impulses lead us through the hard times.

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Awe, thank you Kimberly! Photography did follow me and I'm so grateful it developed into something I never thought it could! It has blessed me immensely. During 2020, I experienced a depression that was serious. I looked everyday, all day long, at the website Circa Old Houses. I actually wanted to throw my cameras in the street. I lost all my confidence and really didn't know how to function. I stared at family shows, rom-coms, took down all the family pictures and cried for months. It was horrible. Who knew that old real estate would lead to a story that eventually lead to a renewed spirit, writing as a beautiful addiction, and an amazing community here. Thank you so much for reading the interview Kimberly, and for your kind comment. ox

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Jun 28Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Ack! I misread that! So the Circa Old Houses were an escape that had nothing to do with photography but opened a door for your storytelling to happen in a new way. So cool. 💛

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Two beautiful stories of thriving through pain, yours and Deb's. Honored and privileged that both of you would be so kind and transparent to share your hearts with our ever growing readership!

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Jun 27Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Bob Hoebeke

Deborah, you have told a beautiful story about your love for family, people in general, and the depth of your love comes through with clarity. You have made a life of real purpose, documenting it with camera and keyboard, and sharing it unselfishly with others. Wishing God's blessings on you and your work.

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Thank you so much Charles for taking the time to read it! I feel extremely blessed to be here in this place. I look back and see all the good, and especially the bad, served a much greater purpose. God is good. Thank you again, and I wish you many blessings as well. ox

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